Banacol: Commitment to Mental Health through Psychosocial Support, Education, and Sports

Mental health is fundamental to people’s overall well-being, and Banacol, aware of this fact, has implemented various strategies to promote emotional balance and the well-being of its employees and the communities in which it operates.

Through a comprehensive approach that combines psychosocial support, education, and sports promotion, Banacol is creating an environment where mental health is a priority. 

This article explores Banacol’s initiatives to support mental health, highlighting how these actions are transforming lives in the Urabá region.

Psychosocial Support Strategies at Banacol: Emotional Support Programs

Banacol has developed psychosocial support programs designed to provide emotional assistance to its employees and their families. 

These programs focus on preventing and addressing mental health issues by providing tools to manage stress and strengthen emotional well-being.

  • Therapy and Psychological Counseling: Banacol offers access to psychological counseling services for its employees and their families. 

This support is aimed at helping individuals manage emotional issues such as work-related stress, anxiety, and depression.

  • Emotional Well-Being Workshops: The company organizes emotional well-being workshops where employees learn stress management techniques, the importance of emotional intelligence, and how to balance work and personal demands.

Psychosocial Accompaniment

Psychosocial accompaniment is another key component of Banacol’s strategy to promote mental health in the community. The company has launched initiatives that foster a positive and supportive work environment.

  • Support Networks: Banacol has created support networks within its work teams, where employees can openly discuss their concerns and receive guidance to resolve emotional and psychological issues.

  • Ongoing Monitoring: Additionally, Banacol continuously monitors the emotional needs of its employees, conducting regular assessments to identify potential mental health issues and provide the necessary support.

The Role of Education in Mental Health: Education and Training for Well-Being

Banacol recognizes that education is a powerful tool for promoting mental health. 

Through its educational programs, the company not only provides technical knowledge but also teaches the importance of emotional well-being.

  • Mental Health Training: Banacol includes mental health training in its educational programs for employees. 

This includes informational sessions on how to recognize the symptoms of stress and anxiety and how to support co-workers who may be facing emotional challenges.

  • Training in Values and Social Skills: The company also promotes training in values and social skills that strengthen personal and work relationships, helping employees develop greater emotional resilience and better communication skills.

Programs for the Community

Banacol’s efforts are not limited to its employees; the company also works on educational programs for the general community, with the goal of strengthening mental health at a regional level.

  • Family Education: Through its Family Centers, Banacol offers educational programs for parents and children on the importance of mental health, fostering a family environment that supports emotional well-being.

  • Support for Children and Youth: Banacol organizes educational and recreational activities for children and youth, teaching them from an early age how to manage stress and cultivate positive self-esteem.

Sports and Physical Activity as Tools for Mental Health

Sports are one of the key tools Banacol uses to promote mental health. Through its Sports Initiation and Training Centers (CIFD), the company encourages physical activity as an effective way to reduce stress and improve emotional well-being.

  • Promoting Sports in Youth: Banacol organizes sports programs focused on children and youth, where values such as discipline, teamwork, and resilience are taught—skills that are also essential for emotional well-being.

  • Recreational Activities for Adults: In addition, the company offers recreational activities for its employees and their families, promoting physical exercise as a way to release tension and maintain a balance between work and personal life.

Promoting an Active Lifestyle

Banacol not only focuses on competitive sports but also promotes an active lifestyle among its employees and the community, highlighting the connection between regular physical activity and good mental health.

  • Sports and Recreational Days: Banacol organizes sports and recreational days to encourage social interaction and reduce stress. 

These activities not only improve physical well-being but also provide a space for relaxation and community bonding.

  • Impact on Mental Health: Regular physical activity is known for its mental health benefits, such as the release of endorphins, which help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, thus improving participants’ quality of life.

Positive Impact on the Community: Collective Well-Being

Banacol’s strategies to promote mental health through psychosocial support, education, and sports have had a profound impact on the Urabá community. 

These initiatives have improved collective well-being, creating a more resilient and emotionally strong community.

  • Healthy Communities: By supporting both its employees and local families and communities, Banacol has contributed to the creation of healthier communities where mental health is a priority.

  • Increased Productivity and Well-Being: The mental health programs have also had a positive impact on employee productivity, as those who feel emotionally supported are better able to focus on their work and achieve a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives.


Banacol has demonstrated a strong commitment to the mental health of its employees and the Urabá community by implementing a comprehensive approach that includes psychosocial support, educational programs, and the promotion of sports as key tools for maintaining emotional well-being. 

These initiatives not only improve people’s quality of life but also help create a healthier and more resilient community. 

Through its efforts, Banacol continues to lead the way toward a more holistic and sustainable approach to well-being, where mental health plays a central role in the integral development of individuals and communities.


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