Banacol: Transforming the Future of Urabá Through Sustainability

 In the heart of Urabá, a region marked by challenges, Banacol emerges as a beacon of hope, driving well-being and progress through agriculture

For over 40 years, Banacol has been synonymous with transformation and progress in the Urabá region of Antioquia, one of the most important banana zones in Colombia.

In a context historically affected by violence and lack of opportunities, the company has managed to stand out for its significant contribution to the social and economic development of the region.

The creation of dignified and formal employment has become the cornerstone for fostering community well-being, directly benefiting more than 4,000 workers and their families.

Significant Social and Economic Impact

Banacol does not just grow bananas; it cultivates hope and opportunities for a region that has faced adversities.

With the export of 14.1 million boxes of bananas to more than 18 destinations in Europe in 2023, Banacol has shown how the commitment and dedication of its people can forge a more prosperous future.

Banacol: Promoting Equal Opportunities

Equal opportunities are fundamental in Banacol's philosophy.

The company adopts a holistic approach that includes increasing female participation in agriculture, youth inclusion, fair wages, and training and welfare programs, demonstrating its commitment to inclusive and sustainable development.

"Through this initiative, we focus our efforts on empowering youth and women, fundamental pillars for the evolution of the agricultural sector. We want them to see in it not only tradition but a vocation capable of being the main economic activity that contributes to food security in the world. We are dedicated to expanding their opportunities, highlighting their crucial role in the agricultural economy and sustainability," explains Víctor Manuel Henríquez Restrepo, Banacol's spokesperson.

Banacol's Emblematic Initiatives for Development

Through innovative programs like the youth employability program, Banacol seeks to integrate 100 young people annually, offering them a path to personal and professional development.

Currently, the company employs 674 young people between the ages of 18 and 28 in various functions, from cultivation to harvest.

The "AgroOrgullosas" program reflects an effort to increase female participation in the banana industry, aiming to train and employ women in productive roles.

This approach seeks not only to double their participation from 10% to 20% but also to ensure their economic independence and personal fulfillment.

Banacol: A Comprehensive Commitment to Communities

Banacol leads in community development, driving programs that benefit women and men equitably, focused on training to improve socioeconomic conditions and foster positive change in the community.

"We seek to empower people through the strengthening of essential skills, promoting a proactive mindset, and recognizing the vital role of women in society," highlights Víctor Manuel Henríquez Restrepo.

The story of Banacol in Urabá is not just that of a successful company in agriculture; it is the story of a genuine commitment to the well-being and progress of Colombian communities, making a real difference in the lives of thousands of people.


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